Studio guidelines + tool kit for UX research and Sustainability practice.
Eric Gunther, June Lee, Dalma Földesi, Franziska Glöckler
Design Strategy, UX Research, Visual Design
The ROADMAPs identify milestones throughout a project’s life time with how-to cards for studio members to use. The aim is to, firstly, internally align everyone’s creative minds on the same page and ready to practice human-centric and sustainabile-first design framworks. Secondly, we want involve clients and end users into the design process, and ultimately produce effective and impactful experience, design, and project delivery.
I started the UX ROADMAP and tool kit development as a R&D project in respond to the increasing needs within studio to understand human minds and behaviors across different project scopes and phases. It is obvious for Digital Products to understand it’s users - What about projects at the intersection of physical space and digital worlds? What are the details we should know when building a huge interactive LED wall? How can we better design the ways of interaction between humans and 3D interactive installations?
With rounds of discussion with team members, I set the goal of the ROADMAP to be a framework that identifies points of interests for UX research and usability test for both digital and physical projects. It’s integrated into service we provide to clients. We would like to create a healthy feedback loop that helps the studio to better understand our clients’ need, and gain real data from real users about what works well and what can be improved. Accordingly, we can change our design more thoughtfully, and deliver promising outcomes to the clients that eventually enhances our relationship.
The ROADMAP is built upon a typical project timeline: Planning, Design, Production, Post-Production. Activity cards (Nodes) are placed along the timeline with a title, a description, and a brief count of time/effort we need to produce assets. The Nodes can be flexibly shuffled and picked by team members to use based on project needs. For an activity sample, please go to SOSO Engagemet Workshop to see how it’s being developed, deployed, and iterated through client projects.
As we started the studio level sustainability initial and practice, I worked with the team to design the ECO ROADMAP to, similarly, identify the critical timestamps to include creative ways of sustainability practice into our design process. What does sustainability mean in the practice of physical design and digital design and how can we take actions? I worked closely with architects, digital designers, and developers on understanding the priorities across disciplines, and worked with producers to make the priorities into actionable items in the planning and scoping phase of a project.

I started the UX ROADMAP and tool kit development as a R&D project in respond to the increasing needs within studio to understand human minds and behaviors across different project scopes and phases. It is obvious for Digital Products to understand it’s users - What about projects at the intersection of physical space and digital worlds? What are the details we should know when building a huge interactive LED wall? How can we better design the ways of interaction between humans and 3D interactive installations?
With rounds of discussion with team members, I set the goal of the ROADMAP to be a framework that identifies points of interests for UX research and usability test for both digital and physical projects. It’s integrated into service we provide to clients. We would like to create a healthy feedback loop that helps the studio to better understand our clients’ need, and gain real data from real users about what works well and what can be improved. Accordingly, we can change our design more thoughtfully, and deliver promising outcomes to the clients that eventually enhances our relationship.

The ROADMAP is built upon a typical project timeline: Planning, Design, Production, Post-Production. Activity cards (Nodes) are placed along the timeline with a title, a description, and a brief count of time/effort we need to produce assets. The Nodes can be flexibly shuffled and picked by team members to use based on project needs. For an activity sample, please go to SOSO Engagemet Workshop to see how it’s being developed, deployed, and iterated through client projects.

As we started the studio level sustainability initial and practice, I worked with the team to design the ECO ROADMAP to, similarly, identify the critical timestamps to include creative ways of sustainability practice into our design process. What does sustainability mean in the practice of physical design and digital design and how can we take actions? I worked closely with architects, digital designers, and developers on understanding the priorities across disciplines, and worked with producers to make the priorities into actionable items in the planning and scoping phase of a project.